The Railway Board Building : Built in 1896-97, this unusual cast iron and steel structure once held the offices of the Railway Board and the Department of Commerce. But at a time when safety was a core-consideration for important buildings throughout the British Empire, this was designed to be structurally fire fire-resistant, and a recent blaze has testified to this in Shimla. The building was originally designated as the 'Public Works Department Secretariat Offices' and was fabricated by the Bombay based firm of Rishardson and Cruddas. Above road level, the building has four levels and with one side exposed, climbing down the hill, it has three basements. On the 10 Feb,2001 a blaze broke out in the top floor and standing testimony to its construction and to the subsequent restoration, no trace of this huge fire remains today and its facade is as imposing as ever. Presently, it houses many of the Central Government Offices.--
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The Railway Board Building
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Iam Inder Singh ! I am what I am !! A coder ! A Nature Lover ! Love Meditation & Yoga ! Love my freedom ! Love tours & travels ! Altogether I am "A Crazy Man !"
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